Category Archives: Simplist Life


saying no when necessary makes you strong

saying no when necessary makes you strong

The Challenge

  • You want to say No to a request but you find it difficult to do due to certain circumstances.
  • You are being pressured to do what is against your personal principles by a person you hold in high esteem – perhaps a respectable family member – or a person of authority – perhaps a boss at work; You want to say No, but you may be in big trouble or perhaps hurt their feeling. These are both cases you would rather avoid.
  • You have a problem of accepting every request to help people out and find it difficult to say No even when you may not be able to handle all of them

Scenario 1: Your boss or customer pressures you to falsify information about a business transaction, how would you say No without sounding self righteous or disrespectful?

Scenario 2: A family member is requesting for your aid to run an errand but you already promised to help out a friend at same time, you know it would be really had but you agree anyway not knowing how to make it happen, will you just do not want to hurt them. What could you have done better?

This article is meant only to provide guidelines on the issue but not dictate what you should do in each case. Continue reading


A family crying at a burial of there loved one

Tragedy brings grief to all affected

When Tragedy strikes

You dont expect bad things to happen but they do. It could come in various ways. The death of a loved one, natural disaster, strong disappointment sickness and lots more. But the effects are always the same: isolation depression, sadness, stress, blames, grief and strong emotional breakdown. What can you do to cope? Continue reading

Why Commend Others?

A parent helping the child learn to ride a bike

Encouragement make people try to do more

Why Commendation Matters

MANY people feel that their efforts go unnoticed by others. For example, workers often feel unappreciated by their employers. Many married people believe that their mate takes them for granted. And some children think that they can never meet the expectations of their parents. Surely, such feelings could be alleviated if we were all willing to commend one another from time to time. Continue reading


Saying no may hurt but it it is beneficial

A parent saying no

The Challenge

Your child simply will not take no for an answer. Whenever you say the word, his/her unruly response tests your patience to the limit. Nothing you do or say calms him, and eventually you feel that you have no choice but to give in. Once again, your resolute no turns into an exasperated, reluctant yes. Continue reading

How Can I Make a Good First Impression?

What do people think of you at first time

What do people think of you at first time

Consider “This job interview is going great! It should be obvious to my future boss that I’m relaxed; I’ve been calling him by his first name since I walked in the door. I just know he’ll hire me!”
Boss: “Is this the same young man who sent in that impressive résumé? There’s no way I can hire him! If this is how he acts before he gets the job, what will he be like afterward?” Continue reading

How Can I Boost My Self-Respect?

picture of a girl sitting alone

loneliness can be quite depressing

Self-respect is a balanced view of once self. This is being content with yourself and felling proud of your achievement. It is difficult to maintain a balance in how one views himself. Think of it this way trying not to become annoyingly proud and at the same time avoiding the other end of having low self esteem…. Its pretty heard right? Many people have fallen to the letter and have lost respect for them serves. Why? What can help?

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why be honest?

a handshake

honesty brings trust and success

Honesty Brings True Success

EARNING income is a necessary part of life. We have a responsibility before God to provide for ourselves and our families.

But what if obtaining money and the things it can buy becomes more than just a means of sustaining life? What if it becomes your purpose in life? Those whose primary objective is to gain wealth find it easier to resort to dishonesty to get it. They may not realize until it is too late that dishonesty robs them of true success. Furthermore, as the Bible says, the love of money causes many pains. Continue reading

Gum Disease—Are You at Risk?


picture of stages of gum disease

stages of gum disease

The simplest seeks to live a healthy life. This can be affected by smilingly small and simple health problems like gum disease. You might say; but I’ve got good oral hygiene so I am not at risk!’ not really so dear, you might be! Consider:

IT IS one of the most common oral diseases in the world. Yet, this disease in its initial stages may not cause any immediate symptoms. This dangerous subtlety is characteristic of gum disease. The International Dental Journal lists periodontal disease among oral disorders that pose “a serious public-health problem.” It adds that the impact of oral disease “on individuals and communities in terms of pain and suffering, impairment of function and reduced quality of life, is considerable. A discussion of this widespread condition may help you reduce your risk of gum disease. Continue reading

The Simplists Learns from Fish Schooling

Picture of a group of fish

Fish Schooling

Fish Schooling

Car accidents kill more than one million people and injure approximately 50 million each year. Yet, millions of fish can swim together in a school with virtually no collisions. How do fish do it, and what can they teach us about how to reduce car crashes? Continue reading

What Makes a Good Friend?

picture of tow friends smiling

friendships bring joy

ON December 25, 2010, a 42-year-old woman in Britain posted a suicide note on a well-known social networking site. Her message sounded like a desperate plea for attention. Although the woman had more than a thousand social network “friends” online, not one came to her aid. The police found her body a day later. She had taken a fatal overdose.

Today, modern technology allows us to make hundreds, or even thousands, of social network “friends” by merely adding their names to our list of computer contacts. And when we wish to end one of these “friendships,” we simply delete that person’s name from our list. However, the tragic incident involving the woman in Britain underscores a startling reality—true friendship still eludes many. In fact, one recent survey revealed that although we are socializing more, the number of our truly close friends has decreased. for the simplist, friendship makes life quite colorful and to him true friendship is an indispensable possession that helps him combat loneliness. Continue reading